All month long we're in a Designer-Buying-Frenzy! Sell us your Designer Bags!
For every $50 we buy from you, we'll give you an extra $5 coupon to use in-store.
Sell us $50 worth of Designer Bags, earn an extra $5 coupon. Sell us $150 worth of Designer Bags, earn an extra $15 in coupons! You get it ;) Valid April 1-30th.
Sell to us by appointment for your convenience or walk right in to your closest Clothes Mentor.
*** Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Gucci, Chanel, Fendi, Celine, Chloe, Dior, Prada, & St Laurent require 3rd party authentication from Entrupy and may require additional time (approximately 1 hour). Hermes authentication requires 24 hours. Thank you!